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Showing posts from April 17, 2019

President's Role and My Experience (Video & Text)

--> How do I convince you that I am the best candidate for PEA President? I think the best way is to share the process I went through in deciding if I should run. I considered each major part of the job and the skills required to do it successfully. Then I reflected on whether or not I currently possess those skills or if I could learn the skill or knowledge quickly.  This process happened through conversation and reflection with colleagues, friends, and family. I believe I have the skills and knowledge needed to be PEA President and that I have the work ethic and personality to do it well; I hope you agree by voting for me on Thursday. Component 1: Advocate and work for the collective best interest of educators and students. Stay up to date on state and district educational policy as it relates to collective bargaining and broader educational topics that may impact PPS teachers and students. Be a part of those conversations by writing letters, testifying, or