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"What I most appreciate about Sarah is that she is interested and takes the time to understand the work of specialists.  When she left the math department to become the Freshman team leader, Sarah made an extra effort to reach out and learn about my job as a social worker.  I have watched her advocate tirelessly for all students, for all teachers and I am confident that as our Union President, she will continue to advocate tirelessly for us all." 
Sophie Payson, Social Worker

" Having worked with Sarah for the past three years, I continue to be impressed with her collaborative, collegial and respectful approach to problem-solving and educational growth. As we all know, schools are full of people with very different roles & perspectives. Sarah, in her commitment to advocating for students, staff and public education in general, values the insight, experience, and wisdom everyone brings to the table. Sarah actively seeks other's input & knowledge, building relationships of respect and in doing so, elevates the relevancy and value of those she works with. Given that the PEA President represents Teachers, Social Workers, Nurses, Librarians, and Ed. Techs, this gift makes Sarah particularly suited to lead and advocate for all of us and to do so in a way that continues to garner respect for us as a union and profession. Portland educators will benefit greatly from Sarah's leadership as PEA President."
Michele Lawless, Ed.Tech III, BHP Portland H.S.Ed. Tech Union President

"Sarah is a known and reliable asset in our building. She listens attentively and efficiently proposes and enacts realistic and innovative solutions that best meet the needs of students and teachers. Her ability to balance and prioritize tasks is excellent. She is knowledgeable, dedicated, trustworthy, and one of the hardest working individuals I know. Sarah has an intricate knowledge of the structures and systems at work in our district, as well as an intimate understanding of what teachers are tasked with on a daily basis. She navigates these two understandings gracefully and has advocated numerous times on behalf of what is best for teachers and students at building and district levels. She is devoted to making sure teachers and students are taken care of to ensure the best quality education is accessible. I fully endorse her ability to represent all teachers and students in the district just as she has advocated for teachers and students in our building." 
Kristin Rogers, PHS Social Studies Teacher

“I got to know Sarah when we served on the system-wide team tasked with planning and implementing the Nellie Mae grant. Sarah always asked the best questions and she was not afraid to point out how issues might affect staff and students throughout the district. Her inclusive, open-minded, empathetic and thoughtful approach to implementing change was impressive. Analytical and always organized, she was a capable collaborator and leader. I believe Sarah would be an excellent PEA president.”
Polly Wilson, Science Teacher King Middle School

I will be supporting Sarah Obare for PEA President in the upcoming election.  She is skilled, knowledgeable, tenacious, thoughtful and kind.   She has a deep understanding of the challenges facing classroom teachers as well as an appreciation for how to successfully support and guide initiatives aimed at improving the educational experience for educators, students and families. She understands what it means to value and nurture the diverse backgrounds, gifts and range of challenges that we all bring to the table.  I'd be completely confident with her as PEA President and appreciate her willingness to represent. 
Julie Wise Criscitiello, ELL Teacher/ELL Coordinator PHS

"Approachable, professional and extremely hardworking, Sarah is skilled at analyzing a problem, suggesting creative solutions and finally bringing all parties to a consensus.  A doer as well as a big picture thinker, Sarah not only considers what is needed but also how to implement the plan.  She listens carefully, speaks clearly and treats everyone with respect.  As head of the freshman team, Sarah has been instrumental in creating a strong support system for students and teachers.  During weekly meetings about the students, she remembers every detail and she herself is often part of the approach to a problem."
Sue Mullen, PHS Guidance Counselor

"I trust Sarah to do this job because her first priority in every interaction is to listen and fully understand the challenges before jumping in with solutions. She has the unique mix of integrity, humor, and intellectual curiosity that will guide her to representing our needs. While she is a fierce advocate and will go to battle on behalf of her colleagues, her students, and her sons, I know that she gains the respect of those who might push back. I know that in Sarah we will have a PEA President who is not only capable of this work, but also lead us to a more reflective and innovative approach for what the Association can do." 
Jen Lunt, DHS EL Teacher 

"Sarah is not afraid to have difficult conversations.  She is a voice of reason who has always expected that her teachers (Grade 9 Team) work hard on behalf of their students, and she has held the administration's feet to the fire in supporting the work of teachers. Sarah stays current on what is coming down the pike from the state and district and works hard to shelter teachers from all of the demands thrown at us. She has been a tireless advocate in pushing back against an overwhelming number of administrative directives. I always feel that Sarah 'has my back'."
Ericka Lee-Winship, Social Studies Teacher & Cluster Coordinator PHS

"Sarah Obare is an amazing leader.  I had the opportunity of working with her closely as she served in a variety of roles, including School Transformation Facilitator during the years Portland High School engaged in significant redesign.  During that time Sarah was often the person who would understand the overall landscape and dynamics of the school staff and guide them toward common language and shared objectives that allowed change to occur. Sarah inspired others due in part to her credibility and follow through which became contagious.  It caused others in the school community to be as committed as she was to the redesign initiative."
Linda Muskauski, Johns Hopkins School of Education

"I have had the pleasure of working closely with Sarah Obare over the last five years and know her to be a tremendous leader who is open-minded, humble, studious, and truly collaborative.   She is a great listener who dives into research to inform school, teacher, specialist, and team practices, and leads with compassion, respect, and a steel backbone. When she does not know something, she asks questions, seeks and honors the expertise in others,  and does the research and behind the scenes work to lead well. If Sarah says she will do something, you can count on her to be a consummate professional who has both the big picture and the small, important details covered. We can trust Sarah to lead and represent us all in the PEA."  
Johannah Burdin, PHS Guidance Counselor

From Susie Nick, PHS Librarian and Instructional Leader

Sarah is authentic, genuine, and real - No hidden agendas, what you see is what you get.

Sarah always sees the big picture - Sarah can see through the minutia that sometimes gets in
our way and stays focused on what's most important.

Sarah has incredible communication/negotiation skills - I have gone to Sarah on a number of
occasions to help me negotiate some difficult situations with other staff.

Sarah stays calm, even in front of large groups - Sarah has been our 9th-grade academic team
leader, which means she does a lot of presentations in front of parents and community.  I truly
believe that her last presentation for the 8th Grade Open House made a significant positive
impact on families' high school choice. Her presentation was clear and genuine and isn't that
the kind of person we want for our students?

Sarah can utilize data and schedules to support teachers - Sarah is the perfect combination as
she can stay focused on the big picture, but she also can use data to support what's needed in

Sarah supports teachers - Sarah has held a leadership role at PHS for years and she has
spoken on behalf of our teachers and their needs at leadership and committee meetings.

Sarah is a leader - Sarah led our school through school transition and organized many
meetings and difficult discussions that ultimately moved our school into a better place.  

From Nancy Harkins, PHS Math Teacher and Cluster Coordinator

Sarah, you have my support but I hate to see you leave PHS, you are such a strong voice for us. 

You have many qualities that will make you a strong PEA President. 
You understand the big picture and are able to articulate that clearly. 
You are compassionate for students and teachers.
You have a personality that people can relate to and like being around. 
You have a way with words that people listen to and respect. 
You know DATA. (That's my favorite 😊
You understand the Administrator side but still fight for the teacher. 
You work hard. 
You're human and know that people make mistakes and you forgive and continue to stand by
You can work with everyone.
You can multi-task and do a good job at all the tasks. 
You go above and beyond, even when you shouldn't. Scheduling, multiple committees, school
committee meetings, RTI for students,  social and emotional support for students, math teacher, Unum math motivators, liaison between teachers and administration, leadership team, 9th-grade team leader, wife, and mom.


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